Party is over!

I am ready to make the trip back home. It was a lovely vacation with much variation in activity and environment. I love Guadalajara. Has to be one of my favorite cities. Better than Amsterdam.

Looking forward to seeing my family and walking the streets of Riverdale. With luck perhaps my granddaughters will take me to the Perc.

Fun Day

I love this place. You could spend the whole day wandering along the cobbled streets watching people sight-seeing and eating. They seem to be eating all the time, purchasing treats from little holes in the wall. Toronto city planners can learn from these folks.

I hired a tour guide with a horse and carriage and it was a pleasurable experience. The University of GDL is a lovely campus and is on an avenue that houses the various embassies of foreign countries. Outstanding architecture.

Young Mexicans are very attractive with strong legs and shapely but full butts. They age well with some mothers looking like 17. Their partners 15.


I awoke this morning believing that I am flying home today. Not that I am anxious to leave paradise or cherish the return to the cold. So, today I will enjoy more tourist sites, buy trinkets for my girls, and have chinese food, I miss my visits to Tropical Joes.

My hotel is on a busy intersection and I have a great spot for people watching. I look at the vendors hawking their wares with precision. The back and forth between the cars selling bottled water, roses, electronics, and sometimes a maraichi band playing music.

Most amusing and predictable are the cars that get caught in the intersection on the orange light. It happens every time and with the predictable cacaphony of car horns announcing their disapproval at being delayed.

Nissan and Volkswagon seem to have the lions share of the car market here. I am yet to see my beloved Suburu. Speaking of which, I am so looking forward to my Impreza in the spring.

It has been a while since I last stayed in a hotel but mine has a very eco=friendly system whereby your room key is used to turn on the electricity and has to remain in the cradle. Thus, on leaving the power is off.

Wishing you all a lovely day, and so looking forward to walking Charlie and Maddie to school soon,


I had a great sleep in a king-sized bed and am up early with plans to watch the citizens starting their day. Last evening I watched them heading home and today I will see them heading to work. They have an electric train that runs underground and starts at 5am. I plan to visit a number of art, historical, and cultural sites today. But first, I will have a huevos rancheros breakfast to refresh my memory of Cozumel when Bev and I visited in 1979.

My favourite restaurant opens at 7 and my hotel has one as well where I had my dinner last night. My server did not know what habaneras were, or arroz(rice). It was a soupy meal but enjoyable. I will lunch in the centro area today where the vendors have their kitchens sheltered by majestic palms and trees. The architecture is Spanish with some French influence and pleasing to the eyes.